Recognizes exceptional contributions to the field of electrophoresis, microfluidics, and related areas by an individual who is currently in the middle of their career.
Click here for nomination information.
2024 Recipient
Jason R. Dwyer
Jason R. Dwyer is a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Rhode Island. His principal research focus is on developing nanopore single-molecule sensing tools and methods to better characterize complex carbohydrates. The work broadly combines nanofluidics, electrokinetics, materials science and nanofabrication, and bioanalytical chemistry. He has a strong interest in public outreach and technology commercialization, including science consulting, providing media and entrepreneurship training for scientists, and giving a feature interview for a Discovery Channel documentary on molecular-movie-making.

Past Winners
2023 Robbyn K. Anand
2022 Aditya S. khair
2021 Nathan S. Swami
2020 Alexandra Ros
2019 Christopher J. Easley
2018 Michael G. Roper
2017 R. Scot Martin
2016 Amy E. Herr
2015 Adam T. Woolley
2014 Kevin Dorfman
2013 Todd Squires